Methods References
The ZPass SDK provides a comprehensive set of methods for interacting with ZPass credentials on the Aleo blockchain.
Core Operations
Credential Management
signCredential - Sign credential data with a private key
issueZPass - Issue a new ZPass credential on-chain
getZPassRecord - Retrieve and decrypt a ZPass record from the blockchain
Proof Operations
proveOnChain - Generate an on-chain proof for a ZPass credential
proveOffChain - Generate an off-chain proof locally
verifyOnChain - Verify an on-chain ZPass proof
verifyOffChain - Verify an off-chain ZPass proof locally
Merkle Tree Operations
getMerkleRoot - Computes the Merkle root from an array of leaves
getMerkleTree - Constructs and serializes a Merkle tree from a list of leaves.
getMerkleProof - Generates a Merkle proof for a specified leaf index.
getLeavesHashes - Hashes an array of raw values to produce leaf nodes.
signMerkleRoot - Signs a Merkle root using the account’s private key.
Worker Management
createAleoWorker - Create a Web Worker for Aleo computations
initThreadPool - Initialize a thread pool for improved performance
Getting Started
For a quick introduction to using the SDK, check out Quickstart.
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