Technical Foundations
Core mechanics
The backbone of zPass relies on zero-knowledge proofs and, more specifically, zk-SNARKS. The shift to general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs ensures greater privacy and programmability than traditional identity verification systems. Aleo's infrastructure is secure and scalable, providing a strong foundation for zPass.
Aleo and zero-knowledge proofs
zPass is powered by Aleo, a developer platform extending the capabilities of traditional blockchains using the concept of ZEXE.
Aleo's role in privacy
Aleo's infrastructure ensures three critical forms of privacy in zPass: private inputs, private outputs, and user privacy.
Aleo's record model
Enables storage and encryption of user data while keeping it private in the user's hands
Extends from Zcash's UTXO model, allowing for complex privacy-preserving applications
Supports private inputs and outputs
Decentralized private computation
Control shifts from centralized databases to end users
Combines zero-knowledge proofs with off-chain execution for verifications that do not compromise data privacy
User identity stays private
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